Research Retreat
early 15c., retreten, "to draw in, draw back, leave the extremities," also "to fall back from battle;" from retreat (n.) and in part from Old French retret, retrait, past participle of retrere "to draw back."
多様な地域がそれぞれに持つ、固有の価値を資源、「可能性の束」として捉えることが、今の社会に強く求められています。そのためには、ある固有の地域に、汎用解ではない景色を見ようとする「探求者・研究者」が集まり、その土地固有の資源を再読し、理解し、生まれてくる多様な情報をさらに資源化し、共有可能な形にしていく活動が求められています。多様な専門言語を持ってして、長い時間軸上に散在する知識をまとめる母体、そのような活動が世界中に広がるためのプロトタイピングがメム・オープン・リサーチ・キャンパスの役割と考えています。 メム・オープン・リサーチ・キャンパスにおける滞在プログラム、「リサーチ・リトリート」がリトリートたる所以は、研究や探求に携わる人にとって、そもそも何を探求・研究すべきかを改めて考える時間が存在する場所をつくる、という概念に発端します。すなわち、Retreat /リトリート、一歩引く、という時間を持つことで、研究の大枠の再考、研究がどのように実社会と接続しているのか、普段とは異なるコンテクスト(環境)において研究が成し遂げる目的の検証を行うことが可能となります。
Society will need to capture the unique value of each diverse region as a resource in the future.
To this end, we need to gather research perspectives that seek non-generic views from what is in front of us, rereading unique resources particular to the region while turning them into sharable relations. The role of Memu Open Research Campus is to conjure knowledge into sharable relationships that are otherwise scattered over a long time span in various specialized languages.
A “retreat” involves creating a place and time for researchers to rethink their research, stepping back to gaze at the contextual framework and its relation to the world.
Memu, located in the southern Tokachi Plain, invites researchers to its vast openness, low population density, proximity to the natural environment, and a certain level of tranquility, all unparalleled within Japan. It is also a retreat from the thinking process generated by urban spaces.
Research Retreat is neither a time to resort to others nor a passive time; it is an active and proactive opportunity to reread Memu as it unfolds before one’s eyes and decipher one’s relation to it.
Retreating to Memu, we do not bring an objective with which we already assume an output. Still, rather, we dare to suspend having a clear objective and conduct “rereading fieldwork” that rereads one’s usual framework of thinking processes.
It is not enough for a research retreat to function merely as a place to stay; it must also function to link a bundle of possibilities of a place whose value has yet to be clarified with the explorative perspectives of the retreat participants. This process should not be an overlaying of foreign research purposes onto the local landscape; it is the role of the open campus to nurture the researchers’ perspectives into implementable potentialities.
We consider the retreat duration as the time for the retreater to connect with the bundle of possibilities of the place. Considering the rereading fieldwork to be a knitting work of site-specific uniqueness and incidental possibilities, a week will pass while solely attending to the itinerary set forward. By setting aside a two-week time frame, one can understand the way time flows in a place while leading the affordances and margins for activities to take place. Such a time frame allows for responding to the organic potentialities that the local relation offers.
Rather than filling the time with the visitor’s schedule, it is necessary to consider in advance the margins to accommodate the schedule created by the place, and this needs to be prepared as a separate margin from the rest time to be planned. Based on these observations, we assume a suitable duration for a fieldwork-based research retreat in the Tokachi Plain is 2~3 weeks or longer. Repeated visits during different seasons will also be an important factor.
The expected outcome is “a rereading of the relationship between ourselves and the possibilities of things that have always already existed before our eyes.” In other words, changes in our way of thinking, our way of seeing things, and our way of approaching things are important outcomes, and these are not to be preserved or archived as objects in a museological manner but are the formation of attitudes that enable us to work upon the society through skillful and competent manner. We aim to take root as a certain concept in society by continuously sharing the importance of such an attitude.
In a continuous stream of knowledge inflow, the open campus is expected to identify information needed in the locality from multiple perspectives, brewing it, and prototyping it into actuality. As such, creating an architecture that repeats chances and manages such information is important. Retreaters are expected to contribute to the construction of such social architecture.